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- Why qPCR is the gold standard for COVID testing - Clinical Conversations

- Why qPCR is the gold standard for COVID testing - Clinical Conversations

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COVID (SARS-CoV-2) test: RT-PCR test procedure, purpose, results, cost, price, online booking.Understanding COVID PCR Testing 

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COVID PCR tests use primers that match a segment of the virus's genetic material. This allows many copies of that material to be made. PACKAGE UNIT. TESTS/KITS ; TECHNOLOGY. REAL-TIME TRANSCRIPTION PCR ; REACTION TIME. 83 MINUTES ; PERFORMANCE ; ANALYTE. NOVEL CORONAVIRUS (SARS-COV-2). Our data, including benchmarking using clinical patient samples and a standardised diagnostic system, demonstrate that direct RT-PCR is.      

- A new qualitative RT-PCR assay detecting SARS-CoV-2 | Scientific Reports


RT-PCR is being used for the detection of the following viruses:. Viral load data are important for monitoring the response of the individual patient to therapy. For instance, after appropriate antiretroviral therapy, patient infected with HIV virus should demonstrate an increase in CD4 count and a decrease in HIV viral load. This approach is better than detection of DNA, as the presence of RNA is more likely associated with the presence of viable organisms. Two primer sets outer primer and inner or nested primer directed against the same target are used to amplify the target gene sequence.

Amplification and simultaneous quantitation of a target DNA is done in same PCR machine and accumulation of amplicon is monitored in real-time. Hello Mr. Please give me your email id so that mail you the details. Informative article… here is another article which i think you must have a look to know more about PCR. Acharya This is a great article on PCR. It covers also every aspect of it. Thanks this post is very very useful for me means for my project in biology.

I appreciate u for posting this post and I am again thanking you. Viruses are not considered living things since they remain inactive in the outside environment. However, when viruses enter a living organism, they attach themselves and replicate using the cells of their hosts.

The activity of the viruses inside a host will cause diseases, of which some are deadly. To prevent the virus from spreading, it is best to spot them immediately.

However, since viruses are microscopic, they are difficult to detect. Read on to know more about this test:. RT-PCR or reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction is a diagnostic test that is used to look for the presence of nucleic acids, specifically RNA ribonucleic acid , in a given sample.

Nucleic acids are long-chain polymers of sugar, phosphate and a nitrogenous base. In a human body, DNA is responsible for coding all the traits - ranging from your eye colour to the colour of your hair and the number of toes you have. RNA, on the other hand, is a messenger, that carries the message code of the DNA so the cellular machinery can translate it and make proteins.

In a human cell, DNA stays in its place inside the nucleus - a small organ inside the cell. However, some viruses do not have DNA. Instead, their RNA serves as their genetic material.

It is occasionally used in clinical settings to look for viral RNA. RT-PCR is a much more effective method than looking directly for the presence of viral antigen specific proteins released by the virus against which the body produces an immune response since even a small amount of RNA can be used to diagnose the condition. Your doctor will tell you if you need to fast before the test. Tell your doctor if you are taking any medicines, herbs or supplements as these may affect the results of this test.

A nasopharyngeal nose or oropharyngeal mouth swab is taken to collect samples for COVID diagnosis. A swab is a long flexible rod usually made of plastic though it may also be a steel rod and having a tip made of rayon, polyester or flocked rayon. Image source: Thermofisher Scientific. Primers A primer is a short nucleic acid sequence that provides a starting point for DNA synthesis.

Primer for reverse transcription anneals to the template mRNA strand and provide reverse transcriptase enzymes a starting point for synthesis. Buffer system Includes magnesium and potassium to provide the optimal conditions for DNA denaturation and renaturation; also important for polymerase activity, stability and fidelity.

Thermocycler A thermal cycler also known as a PCR machine or thermocycler is a laboratory instrument that heats and cools samples in repetitive cycles to facilitate DNA or RNA amplification through the polymerase chain reaction.

The first cycle is reverse transcription to synthesize cDNA. The second cycle is initial denaturation. During this cycle reverse transcriptase is inactivated.



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